Yay for Positive News!
The single used plastics ban has finally taken effect in England from Autumn 2023.
Previous bans have been introduced in Europe, Scotland & Wales so we’re a little behind the curve ball but good news all the same.
Some items are restricted rather than banned such as plastic containers for catering as long as it’s pre-packaged or packaged at point of sale.
MEPs voted in favour April 2024 to place stricter penalties on plastic pellet spills.
Plastic is frequently transported in small pellet form, known as nurdles which can be spilled during loading or shipping & can make its way into water ways.
They can easily be mistaken for food by marine life & additionally add to our plastic pollution.
It's great to see that 538 MEPS voted in favour, with only 32 against the proposed restrictions. More details will emerge after the June sittings.Read more about hidden plastics including nurdles in my blog post:
A new wind powered cargo ship set off on its maiden voyage during Summer 2023. 123ft wings (made from the same material as wind turbines) are folded out to enable the ship to be powered by wind, cutting down its emissions by 30%.
This new innovation was designed by a team in the UK headed by John Cooper, who used to work with McLaren Team Formula One.
Items such as spandex are nylon (synthetic) based however the Lycra team are looking at ways to use corn based material to create a more environmentally friendly product in the future.
Other innovative ideas to reduce wasteful products include: A U.S. company using material made from the roots of mushrooms, a U.K. company taking advantage of soil based bacteria to help dye products, as it naturally produces rainbow colours.
Plus a Finnish company using wood pulp which is spun into thread for making textiles. The only by-product from this process is heat which is pumped into the local heating system. Win, win!
Meanwhile Alison Coomber a design graduate from University of Bristol has made highly colourful blinds using old Sainsbury’s shopping bags.

If you have any clothes to get rid of & don’t have a clothes bank near you, why not order a free donation bag from Oxfam & bung it in the post free!
The Natural History Museum are looking at innovative ways to track species in various environments using eDNA. This can help build up a picture of plants & wildlife that are in threat & need our help, whilst also tracking down where species may be thriving. Biodiversity is key to a healthy eco system.
Check out this video to
learn more:
Let’s hope the momentum continues 💚
Councils are also joining the movement & wildflowers are becoming more abundant which is great for bees, butterflies & moths which ultimately helps with pollination. https://www.plantlife.org.uk/campaigns/nomowmay/
For stories, infographics & factsheets why not check out the following bee-lightful website! https://www.fao.org/world-bee-day/en/
🌱 World Biodiversity Day
The International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May 2024 (or World Biodiversity Day) is a United Nations international day for the promotion of biodiversity issues.
🌍 World Environment Day
The World Environment Day will be on 5th June 2024. The theme in 2023 was on Plastic Pollution. https://www.worldenvironmentday.global/
Check out this video for 2024 - 'We Are Generation Restoration'.
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