Thursday, 19 September 2019

Review - Plastic Free Razor

This is my first review of plastic free, reduction or replacement products. I aim to reduce or swap 50 single use plastic items, for my 50th year on this planet. 

The 'Why I Started This Blog' post explains more about my motivation!

I will be candid and discuss challenges, likes and dislikes as I work through my 50 items adventure! 😊

Scoring system: 

❤ = Will keep, I love it / 👀 = Not sure, will try some more / 😐 = Oh dear, it's not for me

Review One - Plastic Free Safety Shave

I suppose razors aren't single use as such, you can use the same one repeatedly before throwing away, but my husband found that if he kept a cheap plastic handle and buy razor heads he would hit difficulties finding the right head for the right shaver. 

I used to use battery shavers but I hated that tearing feeling when the blades or batteries wear down and admit to using disposable plastic shavers myself.

Naked Necessities Plastic Free Razor in Card Box

I bought this wonderful safety shave by a company called Naked Necessities, which has a high quality chrome head/cap & solid wood handle. It comes with a packet of stainless steel blades and you can buy more readily when these need replacing. The blades just slot in, you're not trying to match a replacement head as the blades just slot into the chrome plated one.

[Please note that if you are used to lady shaves where they have a plastic removable cap with this one you must keep the metal cap on, it helps make the razor blade safe with just the edge exposed to shave you safely, so don't be daft like me and spend ages trying to get the top off! Meanwhile you can unscrew the handle which releases the blade and cap at times where you do need to change it].

P.S. A quick update - it came time to replace the razor blade which was very tricky to do. I found by pressing your thumb on the very top of the chrome cover & 2 fingers underneath you can unscrew the handle without risking cutting yourself. Do the same when it comes to tighten the handle once the new blade is inserted!

My Verdict?

My verdict so far is very good. I like the card packaging, it feels very good quality and despite the hefty initial price it should last many, many years. In my scoring system I'd like to give this a love ❤. I got my plastic free razor from Holland and Barrett (no affiliation). 

Naked Necessities Plastic Free Wooden Razor / Shaver